Your weird and wacky dreams

Last night I had the strangest dream
I sailed away to China
In a little row boat to find ya
And you said you had to get your laundry cleaned
Didn't want no one to hold you What does that mean
And you said
Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on movin'
Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
I'm running and I won't touch ground
Oh no, I got to keep on movin'
You're on the road and now you pray it lasts
The road behind was rocky
But now you're feeling cocky
You look at me and you see your past
Is that the reason why you're runnin' so fast
And she said
Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on moving
Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
I'm running and I won't touch ground…

Naar het Nederlands vertalen
...So there are some weird dreams here. Anyway, my dreams tend to get a bit... deadly, so read at your own risk. My strangest dreams are from two years ago, so I may be a bit foggy on some details. I will also use quite a few Anime/TV/Movie/Video Game references.
Yes, I said cheese. My most vividly remembered dream involves a post-apocalyptic world. This was caused by a bunch of pigs, who oddly resembled Hawk from Seven Deadly Sins. Anyway, the only two people to survive were me and a friend of mine, who was wearing a fedora made out of cartoon cheese. Eventually, after stumbling through a wasteland, the pigs caught up with us, and my friend uses his hat like Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat) to cut off my head. I was then stampeded by pigs. So that was fun.

My next dream involves a demon. This guy looked an awful lot like Morlun from Spider-Man; long black hair, tuxedo, and a smug face that you want to punch. So I did. I walked over and punched him. Suddenly, Donald Trump flew in, riding a nuke like a cowboy, and hit me. I was sent flying through the air, the demon casually flying along beside me and insulting me, and I landed in a literal pool of blood. The blood turned into cranberry Jell-O, and the demon walked over and kicked me in the head, still insulting me. Of course, my head went in circles several times, then I woke up. I had a normal school day until I realized every face I saw was that of the demon. Then I actually woke up.

For those of you who read both disturbingly weird and crazy stories, I apologize. Good luck sleeping, and looking at cheese the same way.
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This one was incredibly vivid. I remember waking up and sitting there in my bed trying to remember what the fuck happened.

It begins, as far as I can remember, with me floating through space, viewing a panning shot of the moon, colorless, covered in smokestacks, factories, oil-refinery like buildings, trenches, and so forth. A disembodied 1950s instructional video voice explains to me that the low gravity environment makes the moon the only place where spaceships can be made, which is why it is of vital strategic importance.

I then realize I am sitting in some sort of troop carrier, completely dark except for a dim red light on the roof, carrying a box of radio parts. As the doors open I run out into the raining jungle with the rest of the people, who immediately disappear into the grey vegetation and rain so thick it could have been fog. I crawl through the mud and ferns for what felt like eons: occasionally one or two bright flashes would appear on the majora's mask sized moon: I assume these were explosions.

Eventually I begin to see a bright light ahead of me. I crawl towards it, thinking it's some sort of clearing or sunny spot. As I arrive and stand up, I realize it's a field of wheat, the most beautiful field of wheat I had ever seen, stretching on infinitely forever. I felt like I could cry at that point: Everything I had seen before it had been grey and brown and green in torrential downpour, and here finally was blue skies, white clouds, so saturated in color it looked like an XP background. As I look around next to me, I see a wooden sign with something written on it in Korean, and a little drinking fountain like the ones in a park. I wake up.

It's weird to have a dream this coherent and detailed, most of the time it's just me doing random crap like selling aircons in the desert
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Ayo ayo, fresh off the mental presses
I am walking through the neighbourhood park on a sunny day: however, I am wearing a leopard skin robe, and a few of my friends are walking beside me, also in similarly stereotypical caveman garb. There’s no one else, no cars, no sounds of cars, and all the buildings are kind of dilapidated looking. Just the homies walking through the park. We get to the top of a small hill where there’s a few drinking fountains: someone comments how he hasn’t seen one of these in ages. He then turns the drinking button around like a tap, which is not how a drinking fountain works, and then we all proceed to strip for some reason.
I notice drinking fountains are becoming a recurring theme


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Well I screwed up my sleep schedule again (just woke up), but on the bright side I had a wacky dream! I don't know if this infulenced it, but last night I had McDonalds for the first time in like... a year or so?

In it, I get off the couch I was sleeping on to grab a snack. However, I hear a slithering sound. Turns out, the french fries have come alive and have formed som sort of... snake like crature. It's "head" which consited of a cheese burger, looks up to me and says

You've been asleep for 234 years, child. Please, eat your cheese burger.

Looking closer, I see that it's "teeth" consist of wriggling maggots, so that can fuck right off. I walk out the door as the burger snake screams "EAT ME CHILD!", and... it seems like the burger was lying its ass off.

I was 234 years in the PAST instead!

Well except it wasn't quite a normal 1800s. See, a lot of our modern day stuff in this world existed in more archaic forms. For example, there was still Smogon, but it was all via telegram. For example, I was receiving telegrams about Dawn was really lewd because :"she shows bare ankle", and also about how Houndoom needed to be PU because it was blasphemous.

In order to play online, you had to go to physical Pokemon stadiums where a referee would roll actual dice to detrermine outcomes. My dream self thought this sucked and decded to play 1800s Mario Kart instead, which consisted of actually go-karting and blowing each other up with real bombs.

The dream ended when a blue shell smacked me in the face by the way!
Well I screwed up my sleep schedule again (just woke up), but on the bright side I had a wacky dream! I don't know if this infulenced it, but last night I had McDonalds for the first time in like... a year or so?

In it, I get off the couch I was sleeping on to grab a snack. However, I hear a slithering sound. Turns out, the french fries have come alive and have formed som sort of... snake like crature. It's "head" which consited of a cheese burger, looks up to me and says

You've been asleep for 234 years, child. Please, eat your cheese burger.

Looking closer, I see that it's "teeth" consist of wriggling maggots, so that can fuck right off. I walk out the door as the burger snake screams "EAT ME CHILD!", and... it seems like the burger was lying its ass off.

I was 234 years in the PAST instead!

Well except it wasn't quite a normal 1800s. See, a lot of our modern day stuff in this world existed in more archaic forms. For example, there was still Smogon, but it was all via telegram. For example, I was receiving telegrams about Dawn was really lewd because :"she shows bare ankle", and also about how Houndoom needed to be PU because it was blasphemous.

In order to play online, you had to go to physical Pokemon stadiums where a referee would roll actual dice to detrermine outcomes. My dream self thought this sucked and decded to play 1800s Mario Kart instead, which consisted of actually go-karting and blowing each other up with real bombs.

The dream ended when a blue shell smacked me in the face by the way!
Why do you have so many great dreams with fleshed-out worlds? 1800s Smogon is incredible.


Long Live Super Mario Maker! 2015-2024
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Why do you have so many great dreams with fleshed-out worlds? 1800s Smogon is incredible.
TBH, I'm starting to wonder if its because I have a habbit of reading random stuff before I fall asleep, even when I don't intend to. In this case, looking at my phone, I was reading about Telegraphy on Wikipeda on the couch and just unexpectedly dozed off for about 6 hours lol. Im assuming the 1800s ankle thing was because of the common sterotype of "lmao 1800s people were so prude" (which by the way, is not as true as you'd think!)

The rest of the stuff though, I have no idea how I thought about that LOL

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
Well except it wasn't quite a normal 1800s. See, a lot of our modern day stuff in this world existed in more archaic forms. For example, there was still Smogon, but it was all via telegram. For example, I was receiving telegrams about Dawn was really lewd because :"she shows bare ankle", and also about how Houndoom needed to be PU because it was blasphemous.
What is 1800s Smogon's position on Giratina?


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i have three regularly recurring dream/nightmare templates that i see probably once a month or so:
  • ski sabotage: i am going skiing but some kind of misfortune befalls the trip. for example in one dream all of the snow was concrete. in another, i got to the top but had no skis. etc
  • bar blunder: about 10 years ago i worked in a bar. now i have dreams about going back to work in that bar and not knowing where anything is, and i'm on my own and the queue is growing and i'm getting flustered
  • exam anxiety: before working in the bar i graduated from uni. i was a lazy student and would routinely fall behind on the work. when it came to exam time i would have to cram for a few days before. now i have dreams where an exam deadline is looming and i haven't done any of the work. these dreams don't seem to really go anywhere, i'm just in that state for a bit and then i wake up and feel relieved
once a year or so i have this dream where i'm at school and i'm struggling to understand what i'm supposed to do there. the older i get the more distressing it is

a more pleasant recurring dream is that i'm iron man
a few nights ago i had a dream where i was being murdered by a rabid raccoon and when i startled awake at 4am i just stared at my open bedroom window frozen in abject terror for about 20 minutes

other times i just dream that i have a wildly different hair color and wake up confused.


Long Live Super Mario Maker! 2015-2024
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I had a pretty amazing, Pokemon analysis fueld dream last night that checks off a lot of classic "Theorymon dream" boxes. I'll point this out along the way.

First off, this dream fufilled a reoccuring thing in my dreams right away: this dream has "phases". Basically, very loosely related parts of the dream that transition into each other. That's how I'm gonna divide this dream up!

Phase 1: The Mission

I was summoned to the Queen's chambers in the country of Smogengland. The queen by the way, was emma !

Queen emma tells me that I must go on a royal mission: a strange miasma has been coming from Gamefreak's headquarters on Mars. My mission is to not only stop them, but also bring back some pernil, because apprently, Masuda is good at cooking Puerto Rican dishes.

Yeah this checks off several boxes: I have a lot of dreams where Smogon has either dominated the world, or become its own country. Often times, random members I remember head them too!

Also, it appears to be a running thing in my dreams that Gamefreak is located at Mars. I have no idea why this is beyond maybe "lol Gamefreak is weird", but I haven't seen that in a dream in a long time.

A court jester asks me if I want to write an analysis for Rapidash, but I tell him "there's no time, I must make haste to the rumpus room!" (It's very rare I remember exact lines in my dreams, and in fact I speculate that my dreams have me "feeling" someone said something rather than it happening!)

The rumpus room by the way, is a giant boot that literally kicks my ass so hard I land on Mars. In this dream, this feels like a totally normal idea to me.

Phase 2: Mars

When I land on Mars, I see a tombstone. The tombstone turns into a clown with blond hair that claims to be "the god of spray tans". It screams and asks me a riddle that I can't understand, and when I stare at it blankly, it gives me the middle finger. I look away for a moment, and when I look back, the clown has transformed into a toilet that rockets into the sky and explodes into fire works. I view this as totally normal, and walk into a door that has suddenly appeared.

A common thing in my dreams is that there's a lack of "permanance". So, when I look away from stuff, they change. This is gonna sound weird, but over the years in my dreams, I often look away from stuff I don't like to specfically change them. For some reason, that clown freaked me out, and I'm not even scared of clowns! Conversly, if something is cool, I try to focus on them so they don't go poof!

Phase 3: Gamefreak HQ

Turns out that door was to Gamfreak HQ! I walk in, take off my coat, and grab myself a ham sandwhich that's hanging off the coatrack to eat. Gamefreak HQ looks exactly like my house, except Masuda is doing a hula dance on top of my couch with Blitzamirin . I view this as totally normal, and walk into my bathroom, which has a sign that I somehow know means I know Pokemon Gen 9 is there!

Places looking familiar happen a lot in my dreams, and so does the next generation of Pokemon!

Phase 4: Pokezoa

I don't remember what gen 9 was called, but on the cover I saw a giant butterfly with horns, and the other cover was a giant green scorpian. As is common in my dreams, when I "play" the game, the video game takes up my entire field of vision.

I appeared to be at some post game mission, where I was to catch "Pokezoa". They were sorta like Ultra Beasts, except they were all based off of microscopic creatures, and they all had unique abilities. Here are the ones I remember

Pokemecium: Ghost / Dark, had an ability that restored 50% of its health when it got a KO. Seemed to be a dark red Paramecium

Pokegrade: Steel / Water, all I remember is thinking that it was the best defensive Pokemon in the game. Seemed to be a blue tardigrade, aka water bear.

Pokealge: Grass / Water, had an ability that made HP sucking moves restore 150% of their health.

Pokecoli: Pathogen / Poison type, had a move called "smell blast". Seemed to be based off of E.Coli.

Pokeyeast: Fungi / Food type, had a move called "british bread" that restored the health of benched Pokemon. I speculated I had this in my dream because I fell asleep watching a youtube show called "Tasting History" LOL

Pokerus: Pathogen type... OH SHIT! Yeah this is where my dream ends! At the climax of my dream, it's revealed that Pokerus is in fact, the strongest microsopic Pokemon of all. It has a move called "Effort Vampire", where it literally steals my Pokemon's EVs, then smacks me with a 100 BP STAB.

I decide to Master Ball it, but Pokerus catches the Master Ball, screams "FUCK YOU", and then throws a knife at my face. And... that's when I wake up in real life!

Weirdly competitive bents to my Pokemon dreams happens a lot!

I know I'm known for my wacky dreams, but it's rare I get a dream as epic as this one, this is like a once in 6 months thing at best! I blame writing and uploading Pokemon analyses, watching cooking shows, and reading about microbology being my main activities yesterday for this absurd dream lol.
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Had a dream where Dragapult and Seviper had Gigantamax forms. I thought of a move name for Gigantamax Dragapult (G-Max Dragon Cannon), and one for Seviper (G-Max Toxin Army). I don't remember what Gigantamax Dragapult looked like, but Gigantamax Seviper was a hydra being pulled by 2 Zangoose. And no, I will not be drawing them, I suck at drawing, sorry.
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Last night, I dreamed I was playing a pokemon game I somehow identified as being Sword or Shield. The battle scenes were straight out of gen 3 and I was playing it on my beat up original DS (though it used both screens), and I'm not sure there were actually any gen 8 mons shown. I do distinctly remember making a joke along the lines of "yeah, SwSh is totally too intensive to have been run on a handheld."

Apparently my subconcoius really doesn't like gen 8.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
When I was like 12 I had this dream that I was a wide recicever for the New York Jets and I stiff armed someone and made a touch down


for sure
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
experienced a vision in which i visited a small shop on the beach at night. the shop sold large jars containing cocaine (imagine the jar that cheese puffs or doodles or whatever come in) except they were only filled up to cover the floor of the jar. when i inquired about them the woman at the counter asked me what i needed it for, i responded that i had exams coming up. she agreed to sell me one jar for a discount price of 30 dollars. luckily i had two twenties in my wallet, but she did not give me any change upon my purchase.

i went back to the shop later during the day intending to purchase more cocaine. instead of the woman at the counter, there were two young men who looked like they could have been working at the best buy geek squad. when they asked me what i needed it for, i said i had exams coming up. they didnt believe me, so they followed me to my house and insisted that they check my computer for academia. after they were on my computer for what felt like a very long time, they decided my exams were too easy and refused to sell me anything.

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