Project Player Interview V3 #8 - Celebiii

Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus

Approved by UU moderation & inspired by Feliburn's project
Amazing Art by Magnum
OP ripped from Moutemoute's

Welcome to "UU Player Interviews", a project where you'll be able to discover or re-discover some well-known players in the UU community. Those people may be known thanks to their high-skilled level, their achievements on the strategic scene, or thanks to their dedication to the tier or within the community.

Hello Celebiii, how are you doing this morning?

I'm great, just woke up and started a fresh pot of coffee, making some teams as well in preparation for UUPL

That's great to hear! Speaking of UUPL, how are you liking your team so far?

I think we're looking strong! We have some players I know to be great like Adaam, Estarossa, Moutemoute , Accel, and Thiago Nunes, and some names that I'm less familiar with (mostly from oldgens) but looking forward to getting to know better!

I wish you and your team the best of luck. Do you have any advice for the players that didn't get drafted?

Try not to take it too personally, there were many great players who didn't get picked this time around (I was particularly surprised udongirl didn't get picked). There are lots of UU tournaments to participate in as well, so just keep improving your skills and putting yourself out there to be picked - it'll happen eventually!

I'm sure that's great advice for them. Moving past UUPL, I've been dying to know, what is it about Celebi that makes it (what I assume is) your favourite Pokémon?

Hahaha. I think it comes from a few places. Pokemon 4Ever was one of the first movies I saw in theatres as a kid and of course Celebi is very prominent in that movie, so I think it left an impression on me that way. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is my favourite spinoff Pokemon game, and Celebi also features in the story of that game. Finally, I've really grown (pun intended) to love gardening in the past few years - it's a great way to connect with nature, and watching something you've been taking care of grow is a really rewarding feeling. Celebi's natural theme obviously relates to that. It doesn't hurt that Celebi's design is adorable as well

That's very interesting, how have you been enjoying gardening? What's your favourite plant to grow?

I love it! It gets me outside and gets me doing some physical work so I think it's a great hobby to have. My favourite is definitely pumpkin - I love how huge they get, and the fact that you can eat them or use them for decorations around Halloween! This year I want to try growing mint to use in tea. I've tried growing it before but I think the seeds I got were duds, so I gotta get some more.

Do you enjoy tea? What's your favourite kind?

Love it. I don't know if I have a favourite kind - I'll drink just about any kind. I tend to make peppermint the most though. I've been trying to expand my tastes here and try some new ones whenever I can as well.

That's good to hear - its always good to expand your horizons! Do you enjoy the current SS UU Meta? What is your favourite part?

I like it a lot right now, I think it's in a great place. There are a lot of viable teamstyles, and IMO there's still room for experimentation with lesser-used Pokemon, which really helps a metagame to be enjoyable. I don't think there's anything banworthy or even suspect-worthy right now either - there are certainly some very good Pokemon, but they are all manageable with good teambuilding. My favourite part is of course that Celebi is viable Outside of that though I enjoy being able to build and use a variety of structures with some Pokemon I personally like.

What team / team structure have you been enjoying most right now?

I'm still very fond of the Celebi team I made for my first-ever RMT, and I still have a lot of success with it on ladder. I don't want to reveal too much about my teams right now with UUPL coming up but another style I like using a lot is Roserade Spikes. I'm typically most comfortable with Balance or Bulky Offense styles, but with certain Roserade Spikes teams, I can play very aggressively and force a lot of damage quickly, which can be a lot of fun.

That does sound like a lot of fun. Speaking of UUPL, I assume you'll be supporting the GSC slot as well as SS. What have you found interesting about the Gen 2 metagame?

GSC UU is interesting in that there isn't a lot of variation in the viable Pokemon, but there is room for variation in what moves you can run on them. GSC being one of the earliest metas means that lots of today's staple moves just don't exist, so players have experimented with some moves you'd never see in later generations, and to good effect! An example of that that I personally like is Mud-Slap on Mr. Mime, which aids it vs. other Mr. Mime by making it extremely unlikely that they will be able to hit their Thunders, which is their main method of damaging each other.

That sounds very intriguing, no wonder you enjoy it! That's all of the questions I have for you today, before we wrap up do you have any shoutouts you want to do?

Sure! Thanks to avarice once again for his tutoring helping me improve as a player. Thanks to Lily for being a dedicated Tier Leader that's kept the community feeling welcoming by being very active in it. Thanks to the UU community in general for being supportive and easy to get along with. And thank you for hosting this interview!

No problem, thank you for being here!

Feel free to ask Celebiii any questions you want!
If you have some recommendations for an interview, feel free to DM me!


formerly hariyana grande
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
favorite dessert?

favorite set on a pokemon ever? (that you've used in competitive i guess)

any games other than pokemon that u play?

u can master any language right now; which and why?

how are u so nice?
favorite dessert?
Starting off with a really tough question huh? I'm going to go with this ice cream, which is only available around Christmas here, but is absolutely delicious (it's rich vanilla with chocolate and peppermint bits):

favorite set on a pokemon ever? (that you've used in competitive i guess)
I've made quite a few sets that I enjoy a lot. If I had to pick a favourite that's uniquely mine that I've used in competitive:

Alcremie-Mint-Cream @ Leftovers
Ability: Aroma Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Armor
- Mystical Fire
- Dazzling Gleam
- Recover

This acts as a bulky win condition and works very well in PU. You have to be careful to avoid Toxic but if you can it's extremely hard to take down.

any games other than pokemon that u play?
I play lots of games! Recently it's been mostly Pokemon, but I played competitive Smash for a long time, and I'm a huge fan of many Nintendo series, particularly Metroid. I consider Metroid Prime to be a flawless game.

u can master any language right now; which and why?
This is really tough. I've spent time studying both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese and enjoyed doing both, so it's hard to pick just one, but I think I'd go with Japanese just because I think someday I'd like to move to Japan and live there at least for a while. I took a trip there a few years ago and adored it. Outside of these two, I also want to travel to the Nordic countries someday, so I'd love to be able to learn any of the languages of that region.

how are u so nice?
Short answer: I'm Canadian ;)
Long(er) answer: I try to be understanding of people, whatever their viewpoint may be, and try to see where their views and actions come from. I think this helps me to empathize with people and be kinder in how I interact with others. Everyone has had their own experiences, some of which are incredibly influential, and these can be huge drivers for behaviour that might otherwise be hard to understand, so I try to remember that when I interact with others and be respectful because of it.

Thanks for the questions!
Which UU mon do u think u could win against in a fight?
That made me laugh :totodiLUL: TBH I think maybe only Chansey? Even the other really passive mons like Slowking have Psychic powers, so I'm pretty much only confident vs the egg machine LOL.

Which uubl mon would u unban? (even if they are not entirely balanced)
Latias, 100%. Shouldn't have been banned in the first place in my opinion. I think Gengar would be interesting to see in the tier as well.

Favorite and least favorite sport?
Favourite: Swimming! I did competitive swimming for several years. I also enjoy badminton a lot.
Least favourite: This is a tough one. I'm going to go with running - never been a fan of it, and I always tend to cramp up when I run.
Coffee or tea person?
I enjoy both and drink both almost every day!

Biggest pumpkin you’ve grown?
Unfortunately, nothing too big yet. I'm still learning as a gardener :wo: The biggest one was probably only around 5-10 pounds.

Best UU (or any pkmn format) victory you have?
I haven't actually participated in many tournaments yet. My best victories come from ladder and private games vs. people so I don't really wanna try to brag about them. Save that for when I do well in a tourney!


Banned deucer.
I enjoy both and drink both almost every day!

Unfortunately, nothing too big yet. I'm still learning as a gardener :wo: The biggest one was probably only around 5-10 pounds.

I haven't actually participated in many tournaments yet. My best victories come from ladder and private games vs. people so I don't really wanna try to brag about them. Save that for when I do well in a tourney!
Why do you quote people without pinging them? Nothing wrong with this

Why Celebiii as a username?
Weirdest showdown nick/alt you ever saw (or made yourself if you'd be willing to reveal)?

Favorite clip in the Subspace Emissary (SSBB)?

Do you ever plan to live abroad outside of Canada?
Weirdest showdown nick/alt you ever saw (or made yourself if you'd be willing to reveal)?

Favorite clip in the Subspace Emissary (SSBB)?

Do you ever plan to live abroad outside of Canada?
So many that I can't even remember.

Very out of the blue question. As a kid I adored the cutscene where all of the ships did an assault on the villains' ship as it stuck out of Subspace.

Yes, if all goes well! I want to try living in several places. The main places I'm interested in are Japan, the Nordic countries, and Australia.

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