Project Player Interview V3 #5: Bandkrook

Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus

Approved by UU moderation & inspired by Feliburn's project
Amazing Art by Magnum
OP ripped from Moutemoute's​

Welcome to "UU Player Interviews", a project where you'll be able to discover or re-discover some well-known players in the UU community. Those people may be known thanks to their high-skilled level, their achievements on the strategic scene, or thanks to their dedication to the tier or within the community.

How are you, Band?

I'm doing pretty good! Life is starting to get back on track with me having some actual lab classes now and me going back to playing volleyball like before.

I'm glad to hear that! Is Volleyball your favourite sport?

Absolutely lol and basically the only sport I play aside from trying to play basketball and handball but having my ass handed to me. I do enjoy swimming though!

That's great to hear. Do you want to introduce yourself in front of our audience?

Ok, so my name is Bandkrook, but all my friends just call me Band. I'm a 19-year-old biology student from Brazil. Currently, I teach some biology classes in a community center, but today was actually our last day LOL. Some of my hobbies are playing volleyball, studying Japanese, listening to music, and cooking. As for my favourite weapon on a battle to the death, probably just a hand knife, seems like it's pretty easy to use and you can even throw it at people.

All fair responses. Why did you choose the name Bandkrook anyway? I've always been curious seeing as your favourite Pokémon is Crogunk.

Back when I joined PS, so around 2014, my favourite Pokémon was Krookodile, and when I played UU matches on the ladder, I'd always use it with a Choice Band, so I decided to stick with the name Bandkrook (originally BandKrook). I guess when I decided to actually join Smogon I wanted something that would be easy to write and remember, so I picked this name, which is a million times better than my previous Smogon name (no I will not say it, go ask Lily).

That's very interesting! Speaking of PS and Smogon, how were you introduced to them, and how did you choose UU to be your main tier?

I don't remember exactly how I came across PS, to be fair. Probably through one of my middle school friends around 6th grade. I remember playing it a lot during ORAS, so most likely around that. As for Smogon, I created my account in 2015, used it once and dipped out lol, and eventually came back last year after playing some matches on PS and stumbling across the PT room. I noticed we had a translations project, and since I was both bored as fuck due to quarantine and always had a very easy time with english, I decided to join. I eventually got involved with UU on Smogon as well, and here we are today. I probably chose UU back then because I could use my favorite mega at the time in Mega Sceptile. When I came back, I just felt like the tier was very fun and wasn't as competitive and insane as OU but still had a quite large and challenging userbase.

That sounds like quite the adventure! Since you've begun playing UU, what playstyle has become your favourite and why?

I definitely don't have the patience and skill it takes to pilot more fat teams like the ones Esta likes to use, so I mainly stick with some very basic Bulky Offense or just all out Hyper Offense, which I enjoy the most out of all playstyles. I enjoy it mainly because it involves high risk high reward plays, which fuels my smooth rat brain with instant serotonin of making an actual functional play without having to see the timer slowly tick and me rethink a play in my head, like, 12 times.

Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed today!

Of course, it was a pleasure ^^

Feel free to ask Bandkrook any questions you want!
If you have some recommendations for an interview, feel free to DM me!
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hi I literally love you and you mean so much to me, im so glad we met and I hope we continue to be such good mates!

1. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

2. Is Brazil really that bad of a place it looks really pretty and you guys have monkeys and stuff I think it’s cool.

3. What’s your favourite UU oldgen and why?

4. If you could share a meal with anyone or a group of people, who would it be with?

5. What’s it like having an Australian son?

It’ll be sad to see you go king but I hope we stay in touch and chat more often


scatters things often
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
What are you most proud of with what you have accomplished on Smogon thus far, and what would you miss the most about it if the internet exploded tomorrow?
Probably my auth in UU. Being acknowledged as a trusted enough member to have the power to moderate chats makes me feel like I really showed how much I care and love the community. As for what I'd miss the most, I'd say the ability of being able to literally learn basically anything I want to. God bless Google.
Do you believe in miracles?
No, but I do believe in science and coincidences.
How do I bec ome handsome Like yourself mister also how do I get to become good at UU like yourself
Simply be a premature teenager and start to grow a beard at 14 years old. Also just ladder, you'll get frustrated but it helps to improve.
hi I literally love you and you mean so much to me, im so glad we met and I hope we continue to be such good mates!
ily u dumb australian
1. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Number one choice is Japan everytime, but I'd love to go to Italy, Norway, Finland, Korea, and Canada.
2. Is Brazil really that bad of a place it looks really pretty and you guys have monkeys and stuff I think it’s cool.
It's complicated. I love the culture, the flora and fauna, the people, the food, and of course all of my family and friends are here, so leaving would be pretty hard. On the other hand, our president is an absolute piece of garbage trash and the far-right really grinds my gears. The climate is so fucking hot during summer and I don't even live close to the Equator line. Our economy is trash right now, and a majority of the population is literally having to eat BONES to survive. BONES. Thankfully, I'm fortunate enough to not be impacted in such a way, but me and my parents still have to constantly worry about money.

3. What’s your favourite UU oldgen and why?
DPP because the sprites are dope. I don't really play old gens UU.
4. If you could share a meal with anyone or a group of people, who would it be with?
rice with ground beef and cambuci pepper is literally so fucking good oh my god. I don't know if you'd be able to find this type of pepper outside of Brazil but it's my favorite kind of pepper EVER. It's not spicy at all, it's actually kind of sweet, and it goes super well with rice and ground beef. Other really good dishes are just black beans with rice (actual beans, and not canned beans. ew.) and chicken curry with rice (as you can see, I LOVE rice). As for the people, I wish I could just make it so everyone in Deinos would meet up somewhere and we'd have a nice dinner ;w;
5. What’s it like having an Australian son?
I like it, I get to make fun of you fighting with kangaroos.
It’ll be sad to see you go king but I hope we stay in touch and chat more often
We will! I'll just leave the site, not everything ^^
Have you watched Haikyuu? If so, what are your opinions on it as an IRL volleyball player?
I did watch some episodes a loooong time ago, I should probably rewatch it lol. From what I've seen it's pretty accurate and even encouraged more japanese kids and kids in general to want to learn volleyball, which is AWESOME!!!
How do you feel about Brazil memes?

*35 trabalhos, 40 páginas de lição de casa, 5 atividades e um TCC pra entregar*

I love them!​
Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a siamese cat.

Thank you everyone so far for the questions! Keep 'em coming!

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