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  • Hi, you said on the Ribbons discord that you had a gigantamix you'd be willing to cook with me with, and told me to message you here. So uh, here I am!
    Cool! I'll be there soon, i accidentally hopped into a raid den >_<
    Thank you so much! I was worried I was going to have to wait days for good RNG to finally drop me a bottle - RNGesus is not my friend.
    No worries, happy to help!
    Hey there, just wanted to say I checked out your thread for the first time yesterday and saw what you did with a couple of my shinies :D I think it's so cool you turned them into ribbon projects, and your note about them/me is so sweet <3 The Ampharos line is one of my favourite Pokemon too! Thanks so much for that, made my day when I saw it <3
    Sorry for the delayed response - I don't really use my profile board, so this just totally slipped my mind. I'm glad that this made your day! Although, I guess I should probably update those descriptions since you're technically back now.
    Hey I have discord app on my phone but what is the smogon wifi / etc specific one?
    do I need some special permission to post or something? I'm on it via mobile and there is nowhere to type?
    Make sure to read all the welcome info/rules, and then react to the rules so that the new user role is removed. Should be done automatically once you do that.
    awesome, all good thanks
    Super annoyed that I'm learning about my password being breached through Verlis of all bloody people. Would it have hurt to send out an email Smogon?

    I am here right now, are you ready to trade ?
    Thank you for the trade :)
    Ah one more question:

    Where can I change the stylings of the Furfrous ?
    Mali City, go to the Saloon (hair cut shop) there and talk to the Punk Girl. It costs 500 Dollars for each trim.
    Finally got around to fixing my Sig Banner. Looks alright, I had to go with something boring though. Waves are mostly for Alola Region...
    Yaaaas!!! Found a shiny cluster with a viable spread for physical mons (Non HA, but M). Still searching the cluster, hopefully there's more.
    Hey! Just an fyi, the reason why MO didn't rng the Type Null was because it is hard to rng it and takes a lot of time. You'd be lucky to even hit your frame since there is 8 npc which makes it inaccurate and you're always either 6 frames off one try and maybe 50 off the next try. Rnging Type Null without PokecalcNTR could take as long as Soft resetting.
    Ah coolio, I haven't had time yet to dive into Gen 7 RNG abuse, too much other work to do. Ty!
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