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  • Yo just wondering, would you rather me implement Toxtricity's GP check? I don't mind doing it, we're already uploading importable sets with no text so I don't mind doing a bit of extra work lol
    I'll do it now; thanks for the reminder poke.
    Hello Mantyke! I was checking your Gen 7 Poké Ball Legality Guide, and it says Spinda is illegal in a Safari Ball. However, it's obtainable in the Johto Safari Zone. Appreciate your hard work!
    Thanks for pointing that out. It's been fixed.
    Hiya TM! What's the status of your HP guide?
    Hey there! A bit busy lately, but I'll try and find the time to round things up when I can.
    Hey I wanted to start up a thread where i breed Pokemon for people on giveaway for a charge would that be fine or would I have to giveaway for free?
    If I open a Trade Thread, do I have to be active immediately or can I slowly update over 1-2 weeks before opening fully?
    Your profile pic is perfect.
    It absolutely dededestroys others profile pics in comparison.
    Thanks for bringing this piece of art to the world.
    Hey, so I wanted to check, I have a Heavy Ball Metagross that I obtained from someone on here that is Alolan. Is it legal or no since beldum can't be in one?
    It's illegal. It's parent is a descendant of a hacked Heavy Ball Beldum.
    lolol when it said you started a thread called "heavy ball beldums" i thought you were trolling and it was going to be asking for a simple trade XD
    How's Atlanta GA these days :0? I used to live there when I was younger and have visited there during Winter break for the first time in quite a while haha. Unfortunately it was pretty rainy and dark throughout and no sun :/. Haha sorry to intrude, just noticed you were from Atlanta GA
    wait, does bank allow tweaked darkrai / shaymin if they're high enough level?
    Actually, Shaymin is at level 30 in both dp and pt. Shouldn't need any leveling up.
    yeah but the event for the level 30 one wasn't released in dp, the lowest level released one should be 50
    Oak's letter was released in Pt though, and that should be level 30.

    Actually, now that I think about it, for Shaymin at least, the "fateful encounter" flag is set off for DP shaymin. That's probably enough to prevent a passthrough through bank. Sorry for not thinking of that sooner.
    did you finish the revised guide to iv breeding for sumo? trying to get into vgc and it would be a big help
    Hey there! Sorry nothings been said on that yet, been very busy with finals lately. I'll try and create something shortly, though.
    no worries, thanks!
    Hey man, whats up?
    So, i just saw you deleted my posts on the Decidueye's discussion, telling me to improve the quality of it. Ok, I'm all for it, what was so bad about them and how can I improve them?
    Hey there. Your posts came off as very incoherent. They were all filled with ideas thrown around with very little elaboration or explanation. Instead of making several posts with honestly very little content, try to piece your ideas together into a larger post. Elaborate on why you'd use those particular moves on a set you post, for example.
    I see, sorry for the mess, I was kinda throwing some thoughts but I do see your point. I'll rewrite the post later to at the very least explain my thought process
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