Recent content by TyCarter

  1. TyCarter

    Friday 10am -7 or Saturday 10am -7?

    Friday 10am -7 or Saturday 10am -7?
  2. TyCarter

    when can u play bw globals? -7

    when can u play bw globals? -7
  3. TyCarter

    Metagame BDSP UU (Tier Shifts @ Post #107)

    Almost forgot to mention this, but as BDSPPL is approaching the BDSP UU Council has decided to unban Raikou for the time-being with the new shifts in place. :xy/Raikou: This is mostly due to the drastic changes the metagame experienced with the recent unfreezing of BDSP Lower Tier which led...
  4. TyCarter

    Would like Tuesday 2pm -7 next week be ok, if not we can do next week Friday next week at 11am -7?

    Would like Tuesday 2pm -7 next week be ok, if not we can do next week Friday next week at 11am -7?
  5. TyCarter

    The RU Open XIII - Round 1

    won in 3 ggs
  6. TyCarter

    Hey something came up for I can't do that time during Sunday. How's ur availability for the...

    Hey something came up for I can't do that time during Sunday. How's ur availability for the following week look?
  7. TyCarter

    chall tycarter when ur rdy

    chall tycarter when ur rdy
  8. TyCarter

    Gimme a sec getting on

    Gimme a sec getting on
  9. TyCarter

    Yea sure see u then

    Yea sure see u then
  10. TyCarter

    Can u do next week Monday at like 2pm -7? I should be free then

    Can u do next week Monday at like 2pm -7? I should be free then
  11. TyCarter

    No. And the Friday time is prob tight. I can prob do Sat that time

    No. And the Friday time is prob tight. I can prob do Sat that time
  12. TyCarter

    I'm on transit and pretty occupied atm. I can do Saturday 1am -7 or Friday 1pm -7

    I'm on transit and pretty occupied atm. I can do Saturday 1am -7 or Friday 1pm -7
  13. TyCarter

    -7, do u wanna play next week? We have 2 week deadline

    -7, do u wanna play next week? We have 2 week deadline
  14. TyCarter

    Would Sunday 11am -7 work

    Would Sunday 11am -7 work
  15. TyCarter

    Also -7

    Also -7