Recent content by Blizzard101HD

  1. Blizzard101HD

    Pokemon X & Y Strategy - Metagame for Mega Charizard X

    Here is a little strategy I made for the new Mega Charizard X, This is a fast phyisical sweep class. Here is a video of me explaining it and something at the beginning for them stealth rocks users ;) ~~~~~Mega Charizard X~~~~~
  2. Blizzard101HD

    Pokemon X & Y Strategy - Metagame for Talonflame

    This is a metagame strategy for talonflame, since he is in limbo at the writing of this post, he most likely will end up in OU so im putting it here. I don't want to type out the strategy so I made a video to make the explanation a little easier, I hope you don't find this as Advertisement I...